We received a special email yesterday from Linda who was baptized just hours before. Her message brought tears to my eyes and a lump to my throat. She is the golden contact Kevin has mentioned in several of his letters.
I won't post the whole message but, rather, will use two excerpts.
"I am but a child in the knowledge of the church, but Elder Lunt has been a great teacher for me, and has shown me ideals and truths I had never considered before."
"Since my studies, my entire attitude and heart has changed. It is quite unbelievable to me. I wasn't a bad or mean person, but the anger for those that have done me wrongs, is gone and my patience is back. I see the world differently now. Just the phrase, 'we are in the world but not of the world ,' clarifies so much for me. A feeling inside I cannot communicate well as yet, but have never been happier."
It would be hard to imagine a more powerful testimony of the gifts of the Spirit.We are blessed to have a son serving an honorable mission.
I can't remember if I've commented on this one or if my comment is waiting to be approved. Anyway, I enjoy all the posts but this one was awesome, being able to hear a testimony of the power of the Atonement first hand by a convert. Thanks for posting.