Monday, July 11, 2011

Kevin's pictures this time focus on the San Salvador, El Salvador temple. Certainly, that is a good topic on which to focus.

They had their first interviews with the new mission president and he gave them permission to go to the temple once a week with less-active members and/or investigators. That very afternoon/evening, Kevin took advantage and went to the temple.

The above picture is a sticker, I believe, that was handed out at the open house. It translates, "My goal is the temple." A very worthy goal indeed.

Our next pictures will progress from afternoon to night.

The above picture is, obviously, still in day light and gives you a good sense of some of the landscaping.

This is a close up of some of the designs in the temple wall. While I am sure these engravings have some significance, Kevin didn't share that. I will assume he doesn't know. (Update from Kevin: The design is of the national flower of El Salvador. I think it is the flower of izote or something like that. That design is throughout all of the temple and the three flowers interleanked are supposed to represent eternal families.)

Here, evening is upon us. The color of the sky and the temple lights provide for a beautiful view.

The night pictures are wonderful from a distance (above) and closer up (below).

I don't know if I have any readers who are within driving distance of Charleston. If you are, I wanted you to know that Kevin will arrive home late July 21. He will be speaking at our worship service on Sunday, July 24 which begins at 9:30 a.m. The address is 7426 Country Club Road, Mattoon (about a quarter mile south of Wal-Mart). You are all welcome.

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